Sunday, December 28, 2008

A day in the life of holidays.

Living in Kharghar kinda sucks. Its way too far from all of my friends, but then again, it has its plus points, though right now, the one plus point that makes up for any kind of loss is..a source of loss. I lost something this morning - and I'm never going to get it back. It To think 18th April couldn't wait. No, I was not ready!! Makes me feel horrible. And slow. And sluggish. I just don't want to do anything :(
Anyway, went to the beach this morning with my family. It was nice. Place called Nargao. The prawns were yummy ^_^ and there was this cool roti thing made out of rice flour. Oh oh and for the first time in my life, I actually liked eating fish. Go Surmai! :]
Eep and I feel disconnected from college, I have so much work to do! And some of it I don't even know about yet. Just leaving it all for after new years. Which btw reminds me, I have zero new year plans. Nothing whatsoever. Even my antisocial parents have plans. But me? Nuh uh. No plaaans.
Oh god I'm feeling blah. And the reason for my blahness is out fixing a car. Just perfecccct.
(until next time)

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